Before you put your contact lenses in you should wash your hands with soap and dry them thoroughly with a towel. When placing the lenses on your index fingertip make sure they are not upside down as shown in the image. It should be a perfect round circle, ready to place into the eyes.
Before you put your contact lenses in you should wash your hands with soap and dry them thoroughly with a towel. When placing the lenses on your index fingertip make sure they are not upside down as shown in the image. It should be a perfect round circle, ready to place into the eyes.
Lower your chin slightly so you are looking up into the mirror. Use your middle finger to pull down your lower lid, keeping your finger as close to the eyelash line as possible for a better grip.
Slowly bring your index finger with the lens towards the white part of the eye, once in place slide across to cover the pupil. Or once it’s on the white part you may look down without moving your head and then close the eyes. Make sure you maintain a secure grip of your eyelids throughout.